June 27 National Health Care Day of Service Projects
This summer, Organizing for America will fight to ensure Americans receive much-needed health care reform in 2009. Community service is a critical piece of our health care campaign. National DOS events are taking place all over the US in RL on June 27th 2009. Organizing for America - SL is organizing the effort in SL.
These health care service projects give volunteers a chance to make an impact in their own communities and improve the lives of their neighbors in the short term while we simultaneously fight for long term, systemic health care reform
To stay informed on Day of Service events please join the Organizing for America SL Group.
Current events planned for Saturday June 27th include:
· SLHealthy is a community of volunteers who collect information about health locations, communities, and events in Second Life, then make the information available to the public and easily discoverable through the SLHealthy wiki. For more information, contact: Perplexity Peccable
· SL Service Opportunities with Virtual Ability Island: The mission of VAI is to enable people with a wide range of disabilities to enter into virtual worlds like Second Life®, and provide them with a supporting environment once there. They are seeking volunteers to assist in publicity efforts and services to members. Contact Gentle Heron in world.
· Service Opportunities for Hospice Development: Kaznats Oh is an SL Builder and owner/operator of a hospice in RL and SL. Utilizing VW's to facilitate meetings with relatives and friends is an important component of Kaz's hospice work. Since LL TOS do not allow children in SL, there is an effort underway to develop a private grid on Open SIM. Grid space has been offered. The vision for this project is a comprehensive health care area with a portion of the grid dedicated to hospice care. Kaz is looking for synergies with other health care related groups that would like to explore expansion to this new grid.
· Organizing for America SL Group membership and participation: As part of the ongoing effort to provide accurate information and a forum for discussion and debate on the Health Care Reform currently being developed in Congress, Organizing for America will be holding weekly hour long meetings at the Nosotr@s cafe on Cedar Island. The first meeting of the OFA in SL group will be on June 27th 2009 as part of the National Day of Service.
· Service Opportunities with Pixel to Pixel: Pixel To Pixel Foundation (P2P) was established by Jadyn Firehawk in 2009 to enhance the Second Life experience for people living with disabilities.
· Helen Keller Day in Second Life: The 24-hour event PDT will be held all day Saturday, June 27 at the four “The Ye, Olde, Supporte, Faire” SIM’s. Contact person: Saxet Uralia
Please contact Siri Vita via note card in world if you can spend a little time on Saturday June 27th helping any of these amazing organizations.
Avatar countdown (the final one)
4 years ago
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