Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Steampunk Adventures Writing Competition

This one came across to me through one of the writing groups I belong to and is for all of you aspiring writers with or without a steampunk bent:

Steampunk Adventures will be hosting the following writing competition:


Steampunk Adventures is hosting a writing competition! The goal of this contest is take any Grimm Brother's Fairy Tale and give it a Steampunk edge, theme, or twist. Don't be afraid to come up with something new, different and provocative. You can rewrite the story from a new perspective, provide a new ending or even just take some of the themes of the classic tale and rework them into a new one. There are no real guidelines other than it must integrate the essential elements of Steampunk. If you want to learn more about Steampunk you can find it here in Wikipedia. The top entries will be published on the blog and the planned ebook/anthology of Steampunk Adventures best stories, nonfiction and poetry.


Your entries can be short stories up to 8000 words or poetry up to 40 lines.


For more details go to:



Competition closes March 1, 2011


email submissions to:




The Steampunk Adventures Team

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