AngelGate Gallery Presents - The History of SL Art Series
AngelGate Celestia:
On Saturday, September 18th, 2009 the AngelGate Gallery presentation of the first in a planned series of events entitled, "The History of SL Arts" will close. At the inaugural event, AngelGate proudly presented "Starax: The Legend". The exhibition featured one hundred and forty sculptures of Starax and Light Wave, from the collection of second life resident Jeri Rahja.
As part of the closing activities, AngelGate Gallery is proud to present two demonstrations of one of the most special things ever created in SL, the "Starax Magic Wand". Due to the large number of people willing to see the working Magic Wand, the closing event and the demo will occur twice (to accommodate different time zones).
Friday, September 18th at 5 pm PDT/SLT
The sim will be set on low number of avatars to reduce lag, however, don't panic, the wand operators will try to run it as long as we need. AngelGate Gallery hopes that everyone who is interested will be able to come and see one of the most special things ever created in SL.
Avatar countdown (the final one)
4 years ago
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