Persia Bravin Announcing the Opening of the Semi-final Event
The contest to select the 'faces' of MOOLTO, a social network for Avatars has entered its final stretch this week. With anticipation high, the 20 semi-finalists and the nearly six thousand members of the network wait for the official announcement that will tell us the selection of the ten finalists. That announcement is expected to come this Friday, January 29th. The contest is the social networks first official one and as the rapidly growing network bills itself, MOOLTO "provides members the opportunity to talk about their second lives", and is in search of a male and a female resident to become the community's public face. While the contests stated objective is to choose the male and female 'face', contest information on the MOOLTO site tells the reader: "We are seeking more than looks alone. The winners will have to be professional, confident, charming and able to commit to attending events and parties on behalf of Moolto.com. This is an ambassador role, not only a modeling assignment".
My role in the contest began a few weeks earlier, when contacted by Persia Bravin who asked me to be a Judge for the semi final event on the 23rd. I readily agreed after confirming my availability, having been to several events on the MOOLTO SIM, I'd enjoyed my visits there. A few days before the event, I received the Judge's notecard, outlining the event activities and my role as a Judge; time of arrival, a set of prepared questions for the first round and instructions to prepare two questions of my own for the second round. The contestants had been provided copies of the first round question in order to prepare their response. The second set of questions, which only the judges knew ahead of time to "test the confidence of the contestants." A sample scorecard was included for both rounds of questioning, the scoring was simple, rate the contestants on a scale of one to ten, with the latter being 'Best'. The notecard also told me that the judge's scores would account for 70% of the total score for each individual, the remaining 30% from a direct vote by MOOLTO members on the site.
The event, hosted by Persia Bravin began with this announcement in text and in voice (streamed):
"Welcome everyone to the semi finals of the Mr. and Miss Moolto 2010 contest. This competition has attracted a lot of attention with over 250 SL residents applying to become the face and spokesperson for Moolto.com-SL's fastest growing social network and over 500 Moolto members following the group. This not just a beauty contest- but a search for one outstanding male and female avatar to represent Moolto at events, exclusive parties across Second Life.The faces of Moolto will be public figures representing Moolto and its 6000 members. We ask the audience and judges to consider personality and professional attitudes when evaluating their favorites.
Today's event will decide which 5 male and female contestants reach the finals and after the judging section is over-you are all invited to stay here to party Moolto style!"
Then the event sponsors were announced, each of the judges introduced and the first couple, Miss Mina Pelazzi and Mr. Travis Madrigal, took center stage. I was also first in the queue, as Ms Bravin called out for me to ask the first question of the contest to Mina.
Nazz Lane: Mina ... What personal qualities could you bring to Moolto?
Mina Pelazzi: Moolto is an exclusive platform that people can communicate well. There are good opportunities for mutual works. I'll take my place in this with my skills and qualities. I am especially good in human relations. I always approach people friendly and like to help them. Being trustworthy is really important for me. My stability, determination, patience, my RL and SL skills and the way that I use them properly is what I can bring to Moolto.
Nazz Lane: Travis ... Most people use SL to escape the pressures of RL work. How will you cope with attending meetings and events in SL for Moolto?
Travis Madrigal: I love to attend meetings and events in Second Life. Second Life allows me to do things I am not able to do in real life. Things associated with other things I enjoy bring me pleasure. I enjoy Second Life and what it has to offer.
As the questioning of contestants continued by the remaining judges, I noted my evaluation score for each of the participants through the first round. With round one complete, a short break occurred and round two commenced as Ms Bravin once again asked me to type my personal questions into the chat log for Mina and Travis.
Nazz Lane: Mina ... If you could relate your experiences in SL to a Shakespeare Play which would it be and why?
Mina Pelazzi: To be or not to be, because I will be successful or not ... I will get true my dreams or not … I will do my best or not be in SL.
Nazz Lane: Travis … if you could relate your second life to that of a mythical character who would that be and why?
Travis Madrigal: I would be Thor … Thor was a strong leader, brave, and go-getter.
Once again, I noted my scores for the round and after the completion pasted them into separate notecards and dropped them into the inventory window of Maxes Loon, CEO of MOOLTO. Overall, I thought the event well organized and executed and each of the contestants did well. I could imagine them behind the keyboard somewhat nervous. I thoroughly enjoyed having had the opportunity to be a Judge, thank you Maxes and Persia for asking me.